Pardon Our Dust!
Welcome to Dusty Dice!
What are we doing here? Good Question! Dusty Dice is a site for role playing games and gamers. We'll look for the best things the industry and the Internet have to offer. We'll talk about new games, new offerings, old games, war stories and anything else that tickles our fancy.
Who am I? I'm Jericho Brown. I've been playing role playing games since I was in 8th grade. I won't tell you how many decades ago, but let's just say my first D&D set came in a red box. The grognards reading this will know how long ago that is! I've played D&D, Paladium, GURPS, White Wolf, d20 and lots of other stuff along the way. I've even done a little professional writing - although not as much I have wanted to - this site is intended to encourage me (and you!) to write more. If we don't keep the hobby alive and lively - we'll all be bored, playing World of Warcraft!
Why do I call the site "Dusty Dice"? As I have gotten older, I have done less and less gaming and way less writing. With all the responsibilities of job, family and friends, I feel like I can never get any gaming time. I'm lucky if I play one game a month. So, it seems like every time I go to pick up my dice bag, there is a layer of dust. That dust seems to just get thicker and thicker.
But, hey, maybe because of this site, I'll come up with new gaming opportunities and maybe so will you. This site is going to do a lot of growing over the next few weeks. We'll be adding a ton of advertising - bandwidth ain't free! But, feel free to chime in on the comments, look around, make yourself at home annnd ...
Let's Roll!
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