Web Games
As any long time reader of this site can tell you - I loves me some freebies!
There are a few good web games growing up that you should be aware of. Both of the following games are free to play, but they have pay options as well. They both have some graphical elements, but are not heavily reliant on those. And, they are both a ton of fun.

First, we have TinyWarz. TW has grown and grown since I started over a year ago. They have just gone through a serious improvement to the graphical elements of the game. In TinyWarz you build an army, then take that army out to fight off bandits and other players in a real time, turn based environment. It's a heck of a lot of fun. There are hundreds of vehicles and 'mechs to research, build and add to your army. You can join guilds, chat in real time and socialize on the boards. In short a lot of fun for very little to no monetary investment. However, investing some cash does have its rewards and there are several ways to get that cash - check out the RewardGamer section in-game.

Recently, I have found Travian. As far as I can tell, this game is hosted out of Europe somewhere - I apologize for my ignorance. I've spent too much time playing the game and not enough time researching it! This idea is a little more old school. You choose a race - I like the Romans. Then you begin growing your village. You increase the number and efficiency of your production facilities, then you add buildings and eventually you raise an army. Along the line you can start other villages or take over villages from other players. It's like a fast, lite version of Civ. It's my hope that they will add more elements to the game as demand grows.
Get out there and have a good time on the web!
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