Dice Part 2 ...
I want to make this a regular segment! I love dice! I want to see pictures of your dice. Please take a (really good) picture of your collection. Put it up somewhere I can have a look at it, a web site, MySpace, LJ, Yahoo Briefcase or whatever. Leave a comment below telling us where to find the picture and a little about your collection. I'll put the best pictures here on the site.
Today, we'll be looking at my new Purple collection.
No die in this collection is more than 5 years old. The collection started with the mini-dice. I bought this set several years ago as I was about to start gaming with a new group. I had never met them, ran into one of them on-line somehow. They invited me to play D&D.
I bought a (very) used 2nd edition DMG and PH. All I had was those two books and a notebook. Normally when I go gaming, I'm the GM, and I arrive with ten books, a huge bag of dice and pencils and paper for everyone. So, since I had such a small load, I thought a new set of tiny dice would be great. I was right. It was easy having just the dice I needed.
Unfortunately, the group and I differed on gaming styles. Week one, we wrote up characters for D&D. Week two, we began to set up characters for a game system one of the players was writing, but instead we watched Dogma. Week three, they decided they wanted to play Mage - I went out and bought more used books. We didn't get through character creation before a couple of guys in the group started fighting. Old friends! I don't remember week four - I may not have gone over. And, well, that was that. I like character creation as much as the next player - but then I like to PLAY those characters.
This dice set has something of a curse in that direction. This set grew up about a year ago. A friend decided to run the Serenity role playing game. I took my wife (a non-gamer) to several different game shops, looking for the book, hoping to avoid the wait for delivery. No book. However, as I said last post, I like to buy a little something if I go into a game shop. By the time I was done, I had two sets of polyhedrals, three sets of d6s and a dice bag - all from different stores. In the end, I bought the book from Amazon, paid $13 less than cover, paid no shipping and it arrived in about three days. And we all wonder why the Friendly Local Game Shop is vanishing from the landscape?
I got prop crazy with that game. I found a site with prop Serenity money. So, I printed out hundreds of thousands of credits - in color no less! Then we decided that we needed coins to represent what was traded outside the Federation. So I went on a quest for plastic coins. In the end, I had a zip-top freezer bag filled with silver Mardi Gras "throws" and gold Chinese New Year throws from two different on-line stores and some gold "pirate chest filler" coins from a local party store.
That group got together twice. I showed up with a character fully written up with pages of back story. I was the only one. The rest of the group began writing. The next time we got together, the rest of the group was still writing. This was the week I showed up with the printed cash and a couple of cheap poker sets (for the poker chips) - we also decided that week we should have the coins. We got in about an hour of gaming, maybe.
In the year since, that group hasn't figured out how to get back together. I still have the zip-top bag of coins. I think I may take them out this coming Marti Gras and throw them at random people. Might as well get some fun out of them ...
Labels: Dice, War Stories
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