Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bought a PSP

As my long time readers are aware, I have been looking at console games recently. If you aren't aware but want to be, read this post.

In that post I talked mostly about buying a a Nintendo Wii. The Wii is still a rare system, Nintendo is having a lot of trouble keeping up with demand. I guess that's good for them.

I was recently at a friend's house and was shown a copy of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, which is only available on the Sony PSP. I really hadn't seen much on the PSP. I'll admit that consoles are new to me, except for my venerable GBA SP. The PSP was quite light, bright and impressive for such a small device.

A couple of days ago I tripped over a "new" game: Warhammer 40k: Squad Command. Well ... I thought it was new. The videos of it out on YouTube had me under the impression that it wasn't even released in the States yet. It pays to look at the date a video was published on YouTube and to do a little further research. Turns out the game was released here last fall. It can now be had for $20. I've long been in love with the Warhammer 40k universe and the video games released for it have often been quite good.

So, between these two games, I was drooling!

I talked with the wife. I still hadn't bought a console and have been talking about it since Xmas. We went out and bought me a PSP last night.

I've been having fun with it. One of the things I love is that the games are cheap to begin with. The newest games aren't $60, they're $40. Plus, there is a whole line of "Greatest Hits" games that are $15 to $20 bucks! Last night I didn't buy SWB:RS, it's $40. I did buy Star Wars Battlefront II and Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories. Those two games cost me less than the one Star Wars game. I haven't played either of these games, so it's all new fun territory for me.

I do plan to follow up these purchases with the Warhammer 40k game and with Dungeons & Dragons Tactics - also $20 bucks!



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